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摄影:starstarboy 于 2007-04-22 06:49 上传 |
浏览:200 评论:4 评分: (9) |
相机: Olympus C-8080 Wide Zoom
拍摄数据:1/320s F/4 at 22.7 mm ISO100 更多 |
评论 |
laoke |
2007-04-22 07:46
好光影! 好色彩! 好拍摄! starstarboy 的回复 2007-04-22 11:43 thanks!
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滨海闲人 |
2007-04-22 10:30
后景虚化一些可能会更好! starstarboy 的回复 2007-04-22 11:42 yes...thanks for comment!
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真金 |
2007-04-22 15:12
松树和花都美。 starstarboy 的回复 2007-04-24 12:57 thanks!
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dannyzai |
2007-04-23 10:04
这样手法拍郁金香有新意。 starstarboy 的回复 2007-04-24 13:09 thanks, in fact just shooting with the back light to reflect plant's colour, regret that my marco shooting experience is not enought, the focous still not so accurate! If I could lower the shooting angle, the effect should be better!
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