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  My Kids' Bird 摄影 sunping
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My Kids' Bird

摄影:sunping 查看 sunping 的作品集
于 2009-07-12 03:51 上传
评分: 0
相机:相机信息 Nikon D700  ,  Nikkor 70-200mm f/2.8G ED-IF AF-S VR
拍摄数据:0.01s F/4 at 200.0 mm ISO200
标签: (Mourning Dove in incubating)
Two years ago, the kids found two young birds who were just learning to hop, but could not fly far. They did all they could to save the birds, but could only save one of them. They held a memorial service and sadly buried the lost one, and hoped the healthy one would have a wonderful life.
A few days ago, a bird couple flew back, and built the nest on the lemon tree just outside the kitch, face to face to our breakfast table across a window.
We choose to believe it is the exact bird saved by the kid who wants to return to say "thank you" to them, and to show them what a harmonious life the he/she is having!


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