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摄影:hao01 于 2009-09-03 11:11 上传 1 人将此照片加入收藏 |
浏览:400 评论:4 评分: (2) |
相机: Canon EOS 40D
Canon EF 16-35mm f/2.8L USM II
拍摄数据:1/80s F/16 at 16.0 mm ISO100 更多 |
评论 |
快乐之斿 |
2009-09-03 11:21
精彩拍摄,首席欣赏。 |
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七星石 |
2009-09-03 11:46
好构图,好光影! |
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凉面 |
2009-09-03 12:10
构图好,光影美,欣赏! |
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icet |
2009-09-04 21:35
Where is this one? Jackson lake? If there were some clouds, plus reflection on the peaceful lake, it will be a perfect calender picture for 2010. hao01 的回复 2009-09-04 22:51 It's just a lake under the "fishing bridge" in Yellowstone park, and closer to "upper and lower falls". Thanks a lot for your comments.
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