相机:PENTAX 645Z
拍摄数据:0.02s F/13 at 160.0 mm ISO1600 更多
画卷-41(中国、白玉、2017) 这是川西高原上的一处神秘谷地--亚青邬金禅修圣处的全景图景象。亚青寺始建于公元1985年,由大圆满成就者 喇嘛阿秋仁波切住持。建在四面环山的草原湿地上,有数千间信徒居住的小木屋,纵横交错的河流包围了整个寺庙的建筑群,每当清晨或黄昏,炊烟弥漫,河水闪耀着金光,颂经声随风远远传来,犹如天籁,动人心弦。 Picture Roll-41 (China, Baiyu, 2017) This is a panoramic view of a mysterious valley on the Western Sichuan Plateau, the Golden Meditation Sanctuary of Yaqingyu. The Yaqing Temple was built in 1985 and is abbot of Lama Aqiu Rinpoche. Built on the prairie wetlands surrounded by mountains, there are thousands of chalets living there. The criss-crossing river surrounds the whole building complex of the temple. Every morning or dusk, the smoke is pervading, the river water is shining with golden light, and the chanting sounds follow The wind came from afar, like the sound of nature, touching.