画卷-69(中国、阿克陶、2018) 这是慕士塔格峰下喀拉库勒湖子湖的第一张全景图图片。喀拉库勒湖是高原湖泊,与布伦库勒湖同处阿克陶县帕米尔高原上布伦口乡的慕士塔格、公格尔冰峰脚下,两者相距直线仅十来公里,然而两湖的景色却大相径庭。喀拉库勒湖距阿克陶县约160公里,距阿图什市约220公里,海拔3600百米,面积为10平方公里,水深30多米,因湖水深邃幽黯,故名“喀拉库勒”(柯尔克孜语意为黑湖)。喀拉库勒湖草盛鸟多,景色优美,而且有水怪的传说,更让景点增添了一分迷人色彩。 Picture-69 (China, Akto, 2018) This is the first panoramic picture of the Lake Karakoule under the Muztag Peak. Lake Karakul is a plateau lake. It is at the foot of Muztag and Gonggel Bingfeng on the Blenkou Township on the Pamirs Plateau in Akto County, which is the same as