画卷-86(中国、拉萨、2019) 这是站在拉萨大昭寺一角拍摄的八廓街小广场的全景图画面。八廓街又名“八角街”,是拉萨最著名的转经道和商业中心,街道上常年会有一些藏民在进行着神圣的转经仪式,表达内心的虔诚,临街的房子几乎都是商店,贩卖各种藏族服饰、工艺品,还有来自印度、尼泊尔等地的商品,美食自然也是少不了的,许多拉萨名餐馆就位于此,如玛吉阿米、临夏风味王中王、光明港琼甜茶馆等。 Picture-86 (China, Lhasa, 2019) This is a panoramic view of the small square of Barkhor Street taken from the corner of Jokhang Temple in Lhasa. Barkhor Street, also known as "Bajiao Street", is the most famous meridian and commercial center in Lhasa. There are some Tibetans on the street performing sacred prayer rituals all year round to express their inner piety. Shops