相机:PENTAX 645Z
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画卷-90(中国、喀什、2019) 这是新疆喀什老城区东侧面外貌日出时刻的全景图画面。喀什市老城区代表了新疆维吾尔族民俗风情的生动画卷,老城区位于喀什市中心,城区内街巷纵横交错,布局灵活多变,曲径通幽,民居大多为土木、砖木结构,不少传统民居已有上百年的历史,是中国唯一的以伊斯兰文化为特色的迷宫式城市街区。 Scroll - 90 (China, kashgar, 2019) This is a panoramic view of the sunrise on the east side of the old city of kashgar, xinjiang.Kashgar old represents a vivid picture of xinjiang uygur folk customs, the old city is located in the city