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画卷-99(中国、江门、2016) 广东江门台山千岛湖又称大隆洞水库,位于台山市端芬镇西部大隆洞河上游。大隆洞水库位于群山环抱之中,空气清新,环境幽静,湖光山色秀美,138个绿树婆娑的小岛错落湖中,因此有“千岛湖”之称,游客可自己划船畅游“千岛湖”。千岛湖库区四周青山耸立,山谷内沟壑纵横,奇峰林立,古木参天,构成一幅巧夺天工的山水画廊。这是站在“风车山”上所拍的“台山千岛湖”全景图画面。 Picture-99 (China, Jiangmen, 2016) Qiandao Lake, Taishan, Jiangmen, Guangdong, also known as Dalongdong Reservoir, is located in the upper reaches of Dalongdong River in the west of Duanfen Town, Taishan City. Dalongdong Reservoir is surrounded by mountains, the air is fresh, the environment is quiet, the lake is beautiful, the 138 green islands are scattered in the lake, so it is called "Thousand Island Lake", and tourists can row their own boat to visit "Thousand Island Lake"