相机:PENTAX 645Z
拍摄数据:1.3s F/32 at 48.0 mm ISO100 更多
大海啊,都是水(广东、浪琴湾、2016) 我们北方人对大海的理解大致肤浅,当你乘游轮到过西沙群岛、见识了阿拉伯湾,欧洲的地中海、北欧的波罗的海,这些都是距离陆地不远的海,虽然如此也是一望无际,可能我们才会对地球面积70%是海水有了一点点概念。当我们坐在海浪拍岸的礁石上,望着天边的白云,你品、你细品... The sea is full of water (Guangdong, Longqin Bay, 2016) Our northerners' understanding of the sea is generally superficial. When you took a cruise to the Xisha Islands and saw the Arabian Gulf, the Mediterranean Sea in Europe, and the Baltic Sea in Northern Europe, these are seas not far from the land. There will be a little concept that 70% of the earth's area is sea water. When we sit on the reef on the shore of the waves, looking at the white clouds on the horizon, your taste, your details ...